Articles Posted in Proof


It is illegal to drink and drive in Maryland, but what is the meaning of “drive”?

Often times in Maryland DUI prosecutions, there is an issue of whether the defendant was actually behind the wheel or driving. This often comes up when the defendant pulls over to “sleep it off”. The term “drive” as used in the Maryland drunk driver statutes means to drive, operate, move…


Maryland DUI/DWI Attorney Qualifications – Have You Researched Your Attorney’s Background to be Sure that he is Qualified to Handle Your Case? a full time Baltimore County Maryland DUI/DWI Attorney I am mindful of, and quite frankly troubled by, the fact that many attorneys handle criminal and serious traffic cases in spite of the fact that they are clearly not qualified to do so. I began to notice this fact when…


Third Time DUI/DWI Offender Successfully Defended utilizing “shelter” Defense in Baltimore County District Court

In Maryland, DUI/DWI Attorneys are often confronted with cases in which a client was found not to be driving while impaired or under the influence, but instead was found to be sleeping in his or her vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. This situation implicates the so called “shelter…


Video Taping of Maryland DUI/DWI Cases by Maryland Transportation Authority Police and Maryland State Troopers

Maryland Criminal and /DUI/DWI Attorneys frequently represent individuals who are charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, DUI, or driving while impaired by alcohol, DWI, by Maryland Transportation Authority Police or Maryland State Troopers. In many of these cases the entire stop is videotaped by the State Trooper or…

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