
Maryland Criminal Attorney Blog


What type of “insider trading” is prohibited by the CFTC within the commodities and futures markets?

Generally, regulation of the U.S. financial markets is divided between the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), with authority over securities, and the Commodity and Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), with authority over futures/derivatives. See Gary Rubin, CFTC Regulation 1.59 Fails to Adequately Regulate Insider Trading, Note, 53 N.Y.L. SCH. L. REV.…


Child Abuse Defendant Railroaded into Plea by Outrageous Bail Ruling Maryland Criminal Attorneys have witnessed a troubling trend in Baltimore City pretrial bail rulings for criminal defendants over the past year or two. Both District Court and Circuit Judges have seemingly been locked in a competition with one another to out “tough” one another on bail rulings and the…


Felony CDS Defendant Ineligible for Probation Before Judgment

As an Experienced Baltimore Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney I have often written about the mistakes that are made by inexperienced attorneys when representing people in criminal cases. I often pose the question, “did you hire the right lawyer to represent you?”. In many of my previous postings I have written…


Juvenile Rehabilitation v. Adult Punishment: A Real Life Case Study

I have a current case that highlights the significant fork in the criminal justice road when juveniles are charged as adults. Zachary Watson (17) and Emmanuel Miller (16) are the 2 juveniles who were with alleged Neo-Nazi Calvin Lockner when he attacked an elderly black fisherman in Baltimore city this…


Maryland Sexual Offenders Registration Law Changes Causing Retroactive Reporting Requirements – Is this Legal?

Changes in the Maryland Sex Offender Registration laws are, as a Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney something I have to be aware of. I have represented many defendants over the years who have been charged with sex offenses. In these cases the defendant faces not only the prospect of criminal punishment…


Sexual Assault – Wrongfully Accused Client Successfully Defended

As a Baltimore Maryland Criminal Attorney I have always found that among the most difficult types of cases to defend is the client who is wrongfully accused of a I have blogged about this issue in the past but I am currently representing someone whose situation is a little…


Circuit Court Judge Rules Defendants Have Right to Counsel Before Commissioner

Judge Alfred Nance of the Baltimore City Circuit Court has ruled that defendants in Maryland criminal cases are entitled to be represented by an attorney at their initial appearance before a court commissioner. Appellate Courts in Maryland have previously ruled that appearances before a court commissioner were not “critical stages…


Baltimore One of U.S. Cities With Most Drunk Driving Offenders

A new list ranking U.S. cities with the the most drunk driving offenders only confirms what most experienced Baltimore criminal defense attorneys already new-Baltimore has made the list. Charm City came in at #18 on the list appearing on The list ranks the number of drivers with alcohol related…


Juvenile Waiver Hearings in Maryland Are a Critical Stage in the Proceedings

When persons under the age of 18 are criminally charged as adults in Maryland, the defendant has the right to ask the adult court to “waive” the defendant back to juvenile court. A successful waiver hearing could be life changing to a minor defendant. Take, for example, the recent case…


Civil and Criminal Liability for Selling Unregistered Securities in Maryland

I have represented both businesses and individuals before the Maryland Securities Commissioner on both civil and criminal charges stemming from selling unregistered securities. Most are under the impression that these enforcement actions by the Commissioner are civil in nature. Although this is most often the case, a criminal prosecution could…

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